Major League Baseball Donation! Thanks to Major League Baseball for donating supplies to the West Carroll School District!
Important Information Regarding Volunteers Notice regarding volunteers for the West Carroll School District.
Please call use these numbers to contact each building Primary - 273-7747Middle School - 244-2002High School - 273-7715Early Step - 273-7532
Welcome to Our New Website! Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
Mystery Dinner Theater West Carroll Middle School Drama Club is hosting their 1st Mystery Dinner Theater April 26-28.
School Meals Announcement West Carroll CUSD #314 is excited to announce participation in the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for School Year 2021-22. This means that meals will be available at no cost to all enrolled students.
Register Returning Students Student Registration is now open for Returning Students! Please log in to Skyward Family Access below and sign your student(s) up for Fall 2021!