Special Education » Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies


PREDICT:  Try to figure out what might happen next. Then read on to see how accurate your guesses were.

VISUALIZE:  Picture the people , places, and events being described to help you understand what is happening in the story.

CONNECT:  Connect personally with what you are reading.  Think about similarities between what is being described and what you have experienced in your own life, heard about, or read about.

QUESTION: Ask questions about events in the material you are reading.  What happened?  Why? How do people feel about the events? Who is involved? 

5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why, how)

CLARIFY:   From time to time, review what you are reading.  Summarize what you have already read.  Identify main ideas. Make inferences, drawing conclusions from the information you are given. Reread passages you do not understand.Consult a dictionary, glossary, or other source.

EVALUATE:  Form opinions about what you read, develop your own ideas about people, places, and events.